The Physician Of Souls

Text: Mark 2 : 13 – 17

Jesus’ ministry was characterized by his willingness to save and call to himself those who were rejected by society, such as the leper in Mark 1. In Mark 2, Levi, a tax collector who was also despised by society, is the third category of people Jesus saves and calls to himself.

Mark’s gospel depicts Jesus as a very active teacher who consistently taught the people about their great need for him, repentance toward God, and faith in Jesus Christ. This emphasis on teaching provides valuable evangelism insights for Christians today. We should be ready to preach the gospel at all times, not just occasionally or when it’s convenient. 1 Peter 3:15 emphasizes the importance of being ready to defend the faith, a responsibility that all Christians share, not just pastors.

Jesus’ deliberate actions also serve as an inspiration for us. Despite the demands on his time and energy, he never tired of teaching the people. As Christians, we should strive to bear witness to our faith with similar zeal and consistency.

Physician of souls

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