Text: Mark 3 : 7 – 19
Prophets and apostles are the foundation of the church. In the ongoing pursuit of His mission, Jesus calls men to Himself, for the continuity of His work is imperative. His beckoning is a deliberate selection, a shaping of the future. The framework of His church finds its foundation in His resolute declaration in Matthew 16:18 – He, Himself, will build His church.
Drawing those he deemed fitting, Jesus takes on the role of the builder, charged with the task of determining the elements that shall compose the edifice. A potent declaration in Matthew 16:18 affirms Jesus as the architect of his church. The composition of his chosen disciples is not a matter of chance; it is a product of contemplation and prayer. The profound gravity of this selection process underscores the paramountcy of the twelve apostles.
Their response to this divine summons is telling – all twelve acquiesce without resistance. Despite their ongoing engagements, their compliance remains unwavering. Their coming to Christ despite their ongoing endeavours underscores the magnitude of His calling.
The purpose behind the selection of the twelve transcends mere companionship; it’s a strategic intent to be with Him, to be sent forth as preachers, and to hold dominion over the forces of darkness. Thus, discipleship and apostleship emerge, accompanied by unmistakable signs that authenticate their apostolic authority.