Text: Psalm 105 : 17 – 22
Joseph, a profound foreshadowing of Christ, embodies the enigmatic tapestry of providence. As the eleventh offspring of Jacob, Joseph’s youthful days at 17 were graced with dreams. These visions bore divine revelation, revealing that both his father and his brethren would one day bow before him. Yet, these dreams kindled a fierce resentment within his brothers, birthing a hatred that culminated in a sinister plot to end his life.
Among these siblings, Reuben was the voice of restraint, advocating for Joseph’s preservation instead of his demise. Thus, they cast him into a pit and ultimately sold him into slavery for a mere 20 pieces of silver. It was through this intricate web of events that God’s providence orchestrated Joseph’s journey to Egypt.
Joseph’s life manifests through three pivotal chapters: the pit, the prison, and the palace. The crucible of the pit and the prison tested Joseph through the prism of the divine word, as expressed in Psalm 105:16–22. The very same divine word that tested him in the pit and prison would eventually emancipate him within the palace. The sequence of events that unfolded in Joseph’s life was meticulously ordained by God’s sovereign will. This very will aligns with His execution of decrees, intricately woven into the fabric of providence.