What is man?

Session 1: Male and Female He made them.

Session 2: Man in the state of misery and grace

Session 3: Man is not a god

Session 4: The God-Man

Q&A Session


Across the world today, the identity of man is shrouded in confusion in proportions never before witnessed in the history of creation. A question as simple as “What is a woman?” either goes unanswered or is answered vaguely.

Many in the world refuse to credit man’s existence to the divine Creator, and go on to tell us that men can become women and vice versa. In the church, there is also some confusion about the identity of man. There are those who subscribe to the theory that man can become a god. Not long ago, a man in this country said Moses became a god, introducing in the process the word “godded” to describe the attainment of that state.

But what is man? This is the vitally important question we hope to answer from the Word of God at the Truth for Life Seminar. Scripture is clear on this subject, and it is the duty of the church to present this clarity to a confused generation.

1. Male and Female He made them – Joshua Bolaji
2. Man in the state of misery and grace – Osagie Azeta
3. Man is not a god – Osinachi Nwoko
4. The God-Man – Brino Kumwenda

What is man?

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