Session 1 – Humanity in Need of Grace
Session 2 – Salvation by Grace
Session 3 – Sanctification by Grace
Session 4 – The Grace of Law
In a fallen world where people are told to earn their way through life, the grace of God shines brightly through the brokenness found in the world. God’s grace, as presented in the Scripture, is amazing, shocking, and breathtaking. This seminar is an invitation to discover what the Scripture says about grace. We will explore how the Scripture is clear on God’s grace as the human sickness of sin and how that same grace can lead to lasting transformation and obedience in people’s lives.
Join us for this seminar as we study what God’s Word says about God’s grace.
1. Humanity in Need of Grace
2. Salvation by Grace
3. Sanctification by Grace
4. The Grace of Law