A Man On A Mission

Text: Mark 1 : 35 – 39

Jesus’ mission is to seek and save the lost. Jesus does not have to return to the earth for us to believe, according to the doctrine of sola scriptura. We can feel him without having to touch him, unlike Thomas. The testimony of Scripture is enough.

The Lord is a praying Lord (Mark 1:35). Given his busy day just hours earlier, this is a significant course of action. This shows the importance of prayer and devotion. Men pray; God doesn’t.

Men ought always to pray, says Paul. Christ exemplifies this perfectly. The sinless Christ prayed. How much more should we be praying? Prayerless souls are not in lively communion with God; they are almost dead. Not praying is the height of arrogance since it shows that we have no need of God’s graces. Apart from Christ we can do nothing (John 15:16). We must pray every day. Daily bread is required. Weak and needy, we are. A praying Master like Jesus cannot have prayerless servants.

Christ didn’t need to be persuaded to pray after a tiring day. Physical exhaustion is not a barrier to prayer. We underestimate spiritual strength. Psalms is chock-full of cries from miserable circumstances. On the move, in caves, or amidst rocks, people pray.

Communion is a chief and primary duty before service. Communion should always precede service.

A man on a mission

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