Make Yourself Small

Text: Colossians 1 : 23 – 26

In Paul’s philosophy of Christian service, humility is key. A minister’s role is that of a servant, waiting on God for direction and obediently carrying out His will. Selfish ambition has no place in the kingdom of God. Rather than pursuing our own desires, we should ask God, “What do You want me to do?” and serve according to His plan.

As ministers, we must also be willing to be disposable, recognizing that our role is to serve the Lord and His people rather than seeking personal glory. To make ourselves small, we must surrender our ambitions to God and focus on serving Him faithfully. In fact, we can follow Paul’s example and adopt a name that means “small” or “little” to remind ourselves of our humble position.

Ultimately, the key to making ourselves small is fixing our eyes on the incarnate God, Jesus Christ. As we focus on Him, we will be transformed and empowered to serve Him with humility and selflessness.

Make yourself small

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