The Joy Of Being Forgiven

Text: Psalm 32

The subject of David’s gratitude centres on God’s forgiveness of sins. David utilizes his personal experiences to elucidate the overarching principle of the privilege bestowed by God, the act of pardoning our transgressions. His narrative serves as an instructional vehicle, illustrating the universal truth that God’s benevolence extends to the pardoning of our sins.

But what constitutes true blessedness? Is it synonymous with unceasing happiness or the seamless alignment of events? In the context of the Bible, being blessed signifies being in receipt of God’s favour, a favour bestowed without merit on the recipient. Transgression, sin, and iniquity stand as the shared afflictions in our relationship with the divine Creator. Transgression embodies rebellion; sin signifies a deviation from God’s divine standard; and iniquity represents the deliberate choice of wrong.

David’s life exemplifies the agony of living in sin, coupled with God’s resolute intention to evoke a sense of misery within him. This divine intent aims to etch the memory of his wrongdoing in David’s consciousness. The conscience, a universal gift from God, graces all of creation. It serves as a compass, guiding us towards moral alignment and reminding us of our transgressions.

The Joy of Being Forgiven

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