The Testimony of God

Text: 1 John 5 : 9 – 13

The testimony of God holds paramount significance. A testimony represents an assertion of evidence; it signifies the act of providing witness, as one would do in a courtroom. Unlike humans, God is devoid of falsehood. In times of doubt sown by the adversary, it is crucial to recall God’s testimony concerning Jesus, affirming the potential for everlasting life through His Son.

God’s testimony, akin to that of a father affirming his offspring, attests that Jesus is His Son. This distinguishes it from the assertion made solely by Jesus himself that he is the Son of God. The core essence of God’s testimony is centred around Jesus Christ. It doesn’t revolve around our earthly tribulations, but is laser-focused on Jesus. This essence finds embodiment in moments like Christ’s baptism and his transfiguration.

John 5:11, “and the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” Through the bestowal of His Son, even those who were spiritually lifeless find the promise of eternal life. Conversely, outside of Christ, lies the path to eternal ruin. Life is intricately bound to one Person – Jesus Christ alone.

The Testimony of God

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