Who Art Thou My Daughter?

Text: Ruth 3:16

Famine in Bethlehem led Naomi and Ruth out of Judah. The Moabites, who were descendants of Lot, followed a false god (worshipped today in Scotland in the form of abortion, in part). Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah were left bereaved after the deaths of Elimelech, Malon, and Chilion in Moab.

Naomi wants to return to Bethlehem after hearing excellent news about it. Orpah and Ruth are put to the test by Naomi, Orpah fails but Ruth succeeds. Although they are similar in many ways, Ruth makes a wonderful confession that sets her apart from Orpah. Both were loving wives and faithful daughters-in-law. Ruth had Christ, whereas Orpah did not, and this was the fork in the road. Your people will be my people, your God will be my God, and where you die is where I’ll be buried, Ruth tells Naomi.

When Naomi first arrives in Bethlehem, she claims that because God dealt with her, people should refer to her as Mara. The period Naomi spent in Moab was a time of bitterness and affliction of her soul.

Boaz is a powerful, wealthy relative of Elimelech. Boaz needed to be wealthy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to fulfil the law regarding kinsman redemption, which would have done Ruth no good.
Boaz and Naomi had Ruth do as they asked. Naomi sincerely wants Ruth to get married in the proper manner.

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