Who Is Jesus?

Text: Mark 4:35–41

In the profound narrative of Mark 4:41, the disciples are confronted with a revelation of Jesus Christ that surpasses their comprehension. Witnessing His authority over the elements, they are struck with awe and inquire, “Who then is this?” This pivotal question beckons us to explore the multifaceted identity of Jesus. Firstly, He is revealed as the Lord who orchestrates our journey to the other side – the Great Initiator who beckons sinners to follow Him. Without His divine call, our spiritual journey remains stagnant. Secondly, He is the ever-present Lord who accompanies us through life’s perilous storms, offering solace and security amidst turbulence. Finally, Jesus emerges as the mighty Saviour, capable of delivering us from the depths of sin and despair. Through contemplation of these truths, we gain deeper insight into the profound mystery of Christ’s identity and His transformative power in our lives.

Who is Jesus?

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